No. 4 Term 1 - Week 8 Newsletter, 2025
From the Principal
From the Deputy Principal
From the Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Assistant Principal - Religion
Term 2 Date Claimer
From the English Department
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
Career News
Sport News
From the Guidance Counsellor
From the Business Manager
Walkathon Tuckshop Menu – April 4th
Community News
Burdekin Sports
From the Principal

Lent: A Time for Reflection, Renewal, and Growth
As we are part of the way through Lent, sometimes we need space to reconnect with this sacred season. Lent is a sacred season in the Catholic Church, offering us a profound opportunity for spiritual renewal. It is a time to pause, reflect, and refocus our hearts on God. For forty days, we are invited to journey with Jesus, remembering His time of fasting and prayer in the wilderness, and to deepen our relationship with Him through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
In our school community, Lent is a time to encourage our students to embrace these three pillars—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—in meaningful ways. Through prayer, we draw closer to God, seeking His guidance in our daily lives. Through fasting, we practice discipline and self-control, making room for the presence of Christ in our hearts. Through almsgiving, we extend love and generosity to those in need, embodying Christ’s compassion and kindness.
One of the key ways we live out almsgiving during Lent is through our support of Caritas Australia's Project Compassion. This annual initiative allows us to stand in solidarity with vulnerable communities around the world, providing vital resources, education, and support to those most in need. By participating in Project Compassion, our students learn the importance of social justice and the power of collective action in making a difference. I encourage all our community to get behind our major Project Compassion initiative - BCHS Walkathon on 4 April.
As we progress through this Lenten season, let us support one another in our spiritual journeys. May this be a time of grace and transformation for our school community, leading us toward the joy and hope of Easter.
Staying Engaged at School.
Being at school over the next two weeks is critical to ensuring that learning is the priority. Our students are engaged in their learning and assessment during the last two weeks. Maintaining attendance is vital to be successful. Students have the opportunity to show the learning and skill development that they have been working on throughout the term. This will then be communicated in two ways - Interim Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews. Parent/Teacher Interviews are the times through which teachers can connect with you and your son or daughter around their gifts, learning achievement, and suggestions for improvement. We believe it is a critical opportunity to meet you with your son or daughter in partnership to set goals. Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held in Term 2, Week 2.
School Board
Earlier this year, we held our School Board Annual General Meeting. At this meeting new positions were appointed. These appointments have now been confirmed by our Executive Director, Ms Jacqui Francis. Our School Board is:
Spiritual Leader Member-Parish Priest, Burdekin Catholic Parish - Fr Manoj
Principal Member/s - Lorraine Wolffe
School Leadership Team Member (optional) Elisa Rigano (Deputy Principal)
Parent Members - Alicia Roncato, Shane James, Mark Milani
Staff Member - Sandra Reents
One Faith Community (parish) member - Lyn McLaughlin
Co-opted Members determined by a consensus decision of the ex-officio and elected Michelle Stockdale and Emma Houston
From this committee, Shane James has been elected as Board Chairperson.
I wish the board all the very best as they support our school.
Yours in Christ
Lorraine Wolffe
From the Deputy Principal

Assignments and Academic Integrity
As students move into the final weeks of term there will be a notable increase in the time required in the preparation for assessments, in particular assignments. Ensuring sufficient time has been set aside for assignments, be it drafts or the final copy, is the key to success. When students have not utilised class time or time at home as efficiently or effectively as possible, short cuts, that seem to meet the immediate need for the looming deadline, become attractive.
The increasing prevalence of AI in all facets of our daily lives has also made its presence felt in education. Students can easily find answers to questions by a simple data entry as part of their research process. However, it is the use of these answers as well as the active use of AI-generated programming that is of concern. Assignments must be a student’s own work. Assessments that have been submitted with the use of AI is not the work of the student. It is in fact the work of a bot making decisions on behalf of the student in the creation of a response to the task. The assignment is therefore not demonstrating a student’s knowledge of the topic, but rather the AI that has sourced random information and pieced it together.
When students use AI, they are putting themselves at a disadvantage. The Australian Curriculum and Year 11 and 12 syllabi require students to retain and retrieve concepts in the long term; each concept a building block to the next. If students leap over the block, they miss that learning. Miss the opportunity to know and understand and fall into the practice of academic integrity. Continued patterns of academic misconduct have ramifications in Years 11 and 12, where students may be not rated for a subject or even miss out on their QCE.
We want every student at Burdekin Catholic High School to reach their potential and as always, if there are any questions about what I have written about today, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Photo Day Update
This week we held our school photo day and it was good to see everyone looking their Sunday-best. Some students were absent and we have arranged a catch-up photo day this coming Monday. Communication has been sent home to those students who will be part of the catch-up day.
Advanced Life is aiming to have ID cards sent to us by the beginning of Week 10 this term. We will distribute the cards as soon as they are received.
A few reminders:
- ABSENTEES - If your child/ren was/were not present on photo day and you have placed an order, you will need to contact Advanced Life’s Parent Team via their website to arrange a full refund within 10 days.
If Advanced Life has not heard from ordering parents within 10 days, a group photo will still be provided and they will provide a partial refund for the portrait component of their purchase (if applicable). Advanced Life does this because many people still like to have a copy of the class group photo even if their child was absent. You may also choose to have your child’s portrait taken at one of their Studio Days. This group photo will come with instructions to claim a full refund, but the group photo must be returned to our office to claim the full refund.
- STUDIO DAYS - As mentioned above, Advanced Life provides Studio Days in the first week of school holidays for those who may have missed photo day or for retakes. Advanced Life can photograph portraits and sibling photos on these days, run from their Townsville office. Please contact me if you would like information forwarded to you about the Studio Days.
- LATE ORDER SIBLINGS -If students have presented for a sibling photo but the parents have missed the cut-off for ordering, Advanced Life is always happy to take the photo. When packs are delivered, parents will receive a slip with ordering information and a ‘thumbnail’ of the photo, so they know what they’re purchasing.
- PURCHASING– A reminder that parents have until 03/04/2025 to order without penalty. After this time, a $15.00 late fee will be applied. Advanced Life also offer PayPal as a payment option, which allows parents to break up payments if needed.
Elisa Rigano
Deputy Principal
From the Assistant Principal - Pastoral

There’s a sentence that slips out in almost every household or classroom:
"It’s not my fault!"
And look, we’ve all said it. It’s a human reaction when things go sideways.
But if we want to raise (and be) people who take responsibility, we have to practice something called owning our behaviour.
It’s simple in theory. Much harder in practice.
And it applies to all of us—parents, students, teachers, everyone.
What Does It Mean to Own Your Behaviour?
It means taking full responsibility for how you act, no matter what’s going on around you.
- Parents: If you lose your patience after repeating yourself for the tenth time, you acknowledge it. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice—that’s on me.”
- Students: If you leave your assignment to the last minute and feel stressed, you admit it. “I didn’t manage my time well.”
It’s not about guilt. It’s about recognising the part you can control—yourself.
For Parents
Children are watching how we handle mistakes.
When we make excuses (“I’m late because traffic was terrible”) instead of owning it (“I should have left earlier”), we’re teaching them that accountability is optional.
But when we own our behaviour—even the tough moments—it shows them strength looks a lot like honesty.
It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being real.
For Students
Owning your choices gives you power.
It’s easy to blame other people, or even bad luck, when things don’t go your way. But when you take responsibility, you get to decide what happens next.
- Forgot your sports kit? Own it.
- Didn’t study for the test? Own it.
Once you do, you can make a different choice next time. And that’s how you grow.
A Thought to Leave You With
Owning your behaviour doesn’t mean being hard on yourself. It means being honest about what happened and figuring out what you can do better.
It’s one of the hardest lessons to learn—but also one of the most important and empowering lessons.
For parents.
For students.
For all of us.
And who knows?
With a little practice, we might even get better at it.
(Maybe not overnight—but we’ll get there.)
Leighton Gallagher
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Assistant Principal - Religion

We are now two weeks in the Season of Lent, nearly in the middle of this renewable period both in the Church’s life as ‘communio’ or as a whole and as an individual. The season of Lent is somewhat a reversal of our normal life. For example, we start the season with ash on Ash Wednesday and finish it with fire at Easter Vigil and yet in normal life we start with a fire and end up with ash. A reversal. Similarly, we challenge ourselves on what we take for granted, making the normal life somewhat not normal. We all have our own individual commitments such as fasting, or refraining from something we love to do, or doing extra prayers, or extra help for others. A reversal? Whatever commitment we’ve challenged ourselves for this season of Lent is surely an exercise that informs us that we are bound by a gift, given to us by our creator. It is the strength to be more than what we are, to aim for the good of others and ourselves and to have the faith that God is with us through it all.
Our school community is committed to living out our Catholic ethos through this Lenten season. Some of our Year 12 students are challenging themselves through a Stations of the Cross excursion climbing up Mt Inkerman next week.
May our Lord continue to bless and protect us all. We ask our Blessed Mother to always intercede for us. And may we always remember – to pray for one another.
Denis Tutaka
Assistant Principal - Religion
Term 2 Date Claimer
Friday 2 May - 7-12 Pupil Free Day for Australian Curriculum Professional Learning
From the English Department
Develop Writing Skills through The Writer’s Toolbox
Students in Years 7 and 8 have recently started using The Writer’s Toolbox online platform to enhance their writing skills through structured, step-by-step instruction. This innovative approach breaks writing down into clear lessons, answering key questions: What skills should we teach? When? How? And in what order?
For many students, the most exciting part is the interactive, online format designed to engage young learners. Each week, they work through targeted activities that help strengthen their writing by addressing both their strengths and areas for improvement. Now that they have settled into the program, we are also introducing whole-class and small-group activities using The Writer’s Toolbox resources to further develop their skills.
Students can access The Writer’s Toolbox both at school and at home. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to ask their children to demonstrate how the program works and what they’ve been learning. With this structured and accessible approach, we hope to see students’ confidence in writing continue to grow.
For more information, feel free to contact Mrs Kelli Loizou at the school or visit
Kelli Loizou
Academic Leader - English
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Parent fact Sheet
This process occurs each year for students who have adjustments made for their learning. Below is a fact sheet for all parents who have NCCD funding, so you are aware of the data and its collection.
Career News
ADF Inspires Students at Lunchtime Career Conversation
Recently, our school had the privilege of hosting two representatives from the Australian Defence Force (ADF), Corporals Kirsty Leeder and George Stack, at a special lunchtime Career Conversation. The event, aimed at providing students with valuable insights into potential career paths, attracted a keen and curious audience eager to learn about opportunities within the Defence Force.
During the session, Corporals Leeder and Stack spoke passionately about their personal experiences serving in the ADF. Corporal Kirsty is an Aircraft Technician and Corporal Stack is a Motor Mechanic. They also provided comprehensive information about the various roles available within the Defence Force, ranging from combat roles to highly skilled technical and support positions.
Students were particularly interested to learn about the application process, eligibility requirements, and the diverse career paths the ADF offers. Corporals Leeder and Stack emphasized the importance of determination, fitness, teamwork, and leadership, qualities highly valued in the Defence Force.
The presentation was well-received by students who left the session feeling inspired and more informed about how to pursue a career with the ADF. The school would like to extend its gratitude to Corporals Leeder and Stack for taking the time to share their knowledge and experiences with our students.
For those interested in learning more about careers in the Australian Defence Force, additional resources and guidance are available through the ADF website: If you would like to chat about the application process or missed the presentation, please make a time to meet with me.
Antonetta Dalle Cort

Sport News
BCHS Swim Squad Ready to Shine at Interschool Carnival
This week at our School Assembly, we proudly presented the BCHS Swim Squad, who will represent our school at the Burdekin School Sports Interschool Carnival on the 3rd of April. This talented team of swimmers has been demonstrating dedication, perseverance, and school spirit as they prepare to compete.
We were also delighted to announce our Swimming Captains for 2025—Mikayla Pirrone and Nathaniel Minuzzo—who will lead the squad with pride and determination. Their commitment to both excellence in the pool and strong team leadership will undoubtedly inspire their teammates to perform at their best.
Adding to the excitement, we proudly revealed our brand-new BCHS Sports Flag, a symbol of our school’s unity, strength, and sporting spirit. The flag will be carried with pride as our swimmers take to the pool, representing our school with courage and sportsmanship.
We wish our Swim Squad all the very best for the upcoming carnival—go out there and do us proud!

From the Guidance Counsellor
A Special Report: Respectful Language
In today’s world, it is common to hear socially offensive language on the streets, on social media channels, streaming services and in some forms of modern music. While swearing is becoming more common and less taboo, the use of derogatory language or the act of swearing at someone, or about someone, is a form of verbal violence. It transgresses the usual rules of social interaction by impinging on an individual’s self-image and sense of dignity.
It is becoming apparent that some young people are being influenced by the language they hear. Proliferating the use of swear words can sometimes normalise, glamorise and desensitise their impact for kids who may misunderstand the true meaning of some derogatory terms. Whilst some students may use swearing or derogatory terms as a misguided attempt at belonging, others may use it simply because they are still learning how to moderate their language and are not accustomed to making adjustments to suit different situations.
Although many schools enforce a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to swearing and derogatory language, parents need to also play an important part in enforcing this approach. Parents and carers can be proactive in monitoring what their children are viewing or being exposed to. Discussing the use of words or the origin of some derogatory terms and gaining insight into the reason behind their child’s use of such language can help prevent inappropriate or disrespectful language filtering into the classroom or the school yard, which is turn helps to build more tolerant, safe and connected communities.
This Special Report offers a number of guidelines to help manage a suitable approach when discussing the importance of respectful language.
Here is the link to your special report:

From the Business Manager
School Fees Term 1 2025 Reminders
This is a friendly reminder that school fees are due on Friday, March 21, 2025. We encourage parents to settle their child's school fees using BPAY, the Compass Portal, or by credit card. Details for these payment methods can be found on the Compass platform, or you may enquire at school office or via telephone, 4783 2366
Additionally, we offer a Direct Debit Service for families who prefer to pay their fees weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. If you wish to set up a payment plan, please follow the provided link.
Families opting to pay the full year's fees by the end of March 2025 will receive a 5% discount on Tuition Fees. If you would like to take advantage of this discount, please contact the office.
Families holding a Health Concession Card may qualify for a 70% reduction in Tuition Fees, in accordance with TCEO Guidelines (TCEO Guidelines). Please note that not all cards are eligible; it is necessary to present a valid Health Care or DVA Gold Card at the School Office for eligibility assessment.
Should you encounter any significant difficulties regarding payment, or if you are unable to meet the due date, please reach out to me for assistance.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Aimee Poveda
Walkathon Tuckshop Menu – April 4th
Last Day of School - Walkathon Menu (Pre-order Only)
As part of the Walkathon on the last day of school, we'll be offering a limited, pre-order-only menu.
Please note that due to Lent and the end of term, the menu will be minimal.
Pieces of Fish: $4.00
Fish burgers: $6.50
Cheese Toasties: $3.00
How to Order:
Order via Quickcliq or at the tuckshop
Deadline: Orders must be placed before 3 PM on Tuesday, April 1st.
Make sure to get your orders in on time!
Community News